How do I register a Death?
How do I register a Death?
Every death in Ireland must be recorded and registered at a civil registration office. You should register the death as soon as possible. It must be registered within 3 months. You need a death notification form, which you can get from the doctor who attended your loved one. Normally, a close family relative registers the death. If there are no relatives available to do this, the death can be registered by anyone who has knowledge of the death. You should bring the death notification form and your own photo ID to a civil registration office. You can find your local office on the website, or call 1850 24 1850, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. You need some personal details of the person who died, including their PPS number and their parents’ full names. You can usually get a Death Certificate from the registrar at the time of registering the death. You will not be charged a fee to register a death. However, there is a fee of €20 for a full standard death certificate. There is no fee for a copy for social welfare purposes but you need a letter from the Department of Social Protection (DSP) to confirm this. You can contact the DSP on 01 704 3000, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Sometimes a death is referred to the coroner. This happens when the cause of death is not known and cannot be certified by the doctor who attended upon the person who died. When this happens, you may have to wait some time before you get a death certificate. The coroner’s office gives you an interim death certificate, which you can use to notify the DSP, Revenue and other State or financial institutions.